actinoquinonal_A_NMR_Data.1d Dataset
This dataset contains NMR spectra obtained for the sample -actinoquinonal_A_NMR_Data date: 2021-10-02T04:26:18.000Z isFt: true name: actinoquinonal_A_NMR_Data/0 phc0: 0,0 phc1:... -
Propyl Butyl Pre-Final.1d Dataset
This dataset contains NMR spectra obtained for the sample -Propyl Butyl Pre-Finaldate: 2020-09-29T13:00:25.000ZisFt: falsename: Propyl Butyl Pre-Final/1phc0: 232.1958phc1:... -
Hexyl PS.1d Dataset
This dataset contains NMR spectra obtained for the sample -Hexyl PSdate: 2020-08-25T15:14:17.000ZisFt: falsename: Hexyl PS/1phc0: 231.8153phc1: -1.128913type: NMR FIDDECIM:... -
Butyl Nayori.1d Dataset
This dataset contains NMR spectra obtained for the sample -Butyl Nayoridate: 2020-02-12T01:39:19.000ZisFt: falsename: Butyl Nayori/1phc0: -111.4829phc1: 11.12658type: NMR... -
Myrcene 60/400/900 MHz in CDCl3 NMR data.1d Dataset
NMR data for myrcene contains: 1H NMR acquired at 60 MHz, as well as 1D: 1H,13C 2D: COSY, HSQC and HMBC acquired 400 MHz (Jeol 400 MHz spectrometer with SuperCOOL Probe), as... -
MS-390.1d Dataset
This dataset has no description
MS-309.1d Dataset
This dataset has no description
Calancardin B.1d Dataset
This dataset contains NMR spectra obtained for the sample -Calancardin B date: 2022-09-26T13:56:58.000Z isFt: true name: Calancardin B/0 phc0: 116.1641 phc1: -18.90791 type: NMR... -
Calancardin C.1d Dataset
This dataset contains NMR spectra obtained for the sample -Calancardin C date: 2022-10-08T01:00:51.000Z isFt: true name: Calancardin C/0 phc0: 107.2063 phc1: -19.77604 type: NMR... -
Calancardin A.1d Dataset
This dataset contains NMR spectra obtained for the sample -Calancardin A date: 2022-06-29T13:32:37.000Z isFt: true name: Calancardin A/0 phc0: 112.0828 phc1: -20.07775 type: NMR... -
MS-205.1d Dataset
This dataset has no description
MS-234.1d Dataset
This dataset has no description
MS-388.1d Dataset
This dataset has no description
MS-200.1d Dataset
This dataset has no description
MS-362.1d Dataset
This dataset contains NMR spectra obtained for the sample -MS-362 date: 2019-04-10T08:56:46.000Z isFt: true name: MS-362/10 phc0: -65.15868 phc1: 25.8838 type: NMR Spectrum... -
MS-389.1d Dataset
This dataset has no description
MS_469.1d Dataset
This dataset has no description
MS-194.1d Dataset
This dataset has no description
MS_87_700MHz.1d Dataset
This dataset has no description
MS_311.1d Dataset
This dataset has no description