Linderazulen aus einer invasiven Pflanze Dataset
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Karminsäure Dataset
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Dataset belonging to publication: "Microgels react to incorporation of solute... Dataset
Data to the figures in the publication, raw data to zetasizer, multi-angle DLS, SLS, SAXS and Raman -
Polyacrylonitrile Coated SiO2 Nanoparticles: Coating Thickness Characterizati... Dataset
This dataset has no description
3D Printable Polyelectrolyte Complex- integrated Interpenetrating Network Hyd... Dataset
This dataset has no description
Electronic supporting information to Maste et al. - The Accuracy Limit of Che... Dataset
This dataset has no description
Dataset belonging to the Publication: "Interfacial fluid rheology of soft par... Dataset
This dataset contains the data used to create the figure in the associated publication "Interfacial fluid rheology of soft particles". In the folder _article and _SM the data...