Dataset belonging to the publication "Data-Producing Methods in CRC 985: Reco... Dataset
This data was collected and processed as part of the CRC 985 INF project. It was used to create an overview of the data-producing methods available and employed throughout the... -
Experimental data to the publication "Taking the next step – Model-based ana... Dataset
Further NMR spectroscopic data were deposited for a model-based analysis of robust and non-toxic Zn catalysts for the ring opening polymerization of lactide in the polymer melt. -
Experimental data and optimised coordinates to the publication Geometrical Be... Dataset
Experimental and DFT optimised coordinates were deposited. -
Experimental data to the publication "Taking the next step – Model-based ana... Dataset
The coordination geometries of the hypersurface, all NMR spectroscopic data, all GPC data and Raman spectroscopic data were deposited for a model-based analysis of robust and... -
Experimental Data to the publication "Reactive Mass Transfer around Isolated ... Dataset
DOSY NMR spectroscopic data and time-series of grey-level images at 100 Hz (exposure time 0.8-4ms) of a 16-bit sCMOS PCO Edge 2560×2160 px camera were deposited.