

This is a physical chemical entity[CHEBI_24431] associated with a molecule[CHEBI_25367]. The molecule[CHEBI_25367] can be described by the following structural desciptors[cheminf_000085]: InChI descriptor[cheminf_000113]: InChI=1S/C24H15Br2N/c25-21-13-17(15-7-3-1-4-8-15)11-19-20-12-18(16-9-5-2-6-10-16)14-22(26)24(20)27-23(19)21/h1-14,27H, and canonical SMILES descriptor[cheminf_000007]: Brc1cc(cc2c1[nH]c1c2cc(cc1Br)c1ccccc1)c1ccccc1, and by the IUPAC name[cheminf_000107]: 1,8-dibromo-3,6-diphenyl-9H-carbazole.

  The physical chemical entity[CHEBI_24431] has a component solvent[CHEBI_46787] which is described by the canonical SMILES descriptor[cheminf_000007]:

  The physical chemical entity[CHEBI_24431] has the following Sample ID as registered in the research data repository chemotion (, CRS-24096

  The physical chemical entity[CHEBI_24431] can be described by the physical descriptors [CHEMINF_000025]:
  Melting point descriptor[CHEMINF_000256]: 235.0 - 240.0 (°C)
  Boiling point descriptor[CHEMINF_000257]: 
  Refractive index descriptor[CHEMINF_000253]:

  The physical chemical entity[CHEBI_24431] can be further described by the following assays[OBI:0000070][CHMO:0001133]:

    CHMO:0000593 | 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H NMR)

    CHMO:0000595 | 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (13C NMR)

    CHMO:0000596 | distortionless enhancement with polarization transfer (DEPT)

    CHMO:0000596 | distortionless enhancement with polarization transfer (DEPT)

    CHMO:0000470 | mass spectrometry (MS)

    CHMO:0000630 | infrared absorption spectroscopy (IR)

  The physical chemical entity[CHEBI_24431] was deposited to the Molecule Archive of the Karlsruhe Insitute of Technology (KIT) with the following Sample ID:

  Used ontologies:
  CHEBI - Chemical Entities of Biological Interest
  CHEMINF - chemical information ontology (information entities about chemical entities)
  CHMO - Chemical Methods Ontology
  OBI - Ontology for Biomedical Investigations

Chemical Info

molecular Image
InChI InChI=1S/C24H15Br2N/c25-21-13-17(15-7-3-1-4-8-15)11-19-20-12-18(16-9-5-2-6-10-16)14-22(26)24(20)27-23(19)21/h1-14,27H
SMILES Brc1cc(-c2ccccc2)cc2c1[nH]c1c(Br)cc(-c3ccccc3)cc12
Molecular Formula C24H15Br2N

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Metadata Information

Field Value
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Author Larignon, Victor
Maintainer chemotion-repository
Language en
MetadataCreated 2024-03-16T10:04:17.585282
MetadataModified 2024-03-16T10:04:17.585289
Field Value
Measurement Technique
Measurement Variables