
Experimental Data to the publication "Understanding Structure-Activity Relationships: Iron(II) Complexes of “Legacy Guanidines” as Catalysts for the Synthesis of Polylactide"

NMR spectroscopic data, GPC data, DSC data and Raman spectroscopic data for the ring-opening polymerisation of lactide and depolymerisation of polylactide of a series of non toxic Fe catalyst were deposited.

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Metadata Information

Field Value
License URL
Source Bruker Avance II (400MHz)
Author Conrads, Christian, Burkart, Lisa, Soerensen, Sven, Noichl, Sandra, Kara, Yasemin, Heck, Joshua, Hoffmann, Alexander, Herres-Pawlis, Sonja
Maintainer RWTH Aachen University
Language eng
MetadataCreated 2023-09-23T08:55:04.552454
MetadataModified 2023-11-19T03:15:04.042530
Related Molecule
Field Value
No additional information available for this Dataset.
Data-Source Molecule ID Data-Source
The data in this table is sourced from UniChem at EBI.