50-78-2.c13 Dataset
50-78-2 -
Sali_Eth.hmbc Dataset
Sali_Eth -
86-55-5.hmqc Dataset
86-55-5 -
485-35-8.dept Dataset
485-35-8 -
4-(1-Hydroxyethyl)benzoic acid isopropylester.1d Dataset
4-(1-Hydroxyethyl)benzoic acid isopropylester -
485-35-8.deptq Dataset
485-35-8 -
50-78-2.proton Dataset
50-78-2 -
485-35-8.hsqc Dataset
485-35-8 -
485-35-8.noesy Dataset
485-35-8 -
50-78-2.hmqc Dataset
50-78-2 -
50-36-2.hsqc Dataset
50-36-2 -
50-36-2.proton Dataset
50-36-2 -
50-78-2.cosy Dataset
50-78-2 -
50-36-2.noesy Dataset
50-36-2 -
50-78-2.hmbc Dataset
50-78-2 -
50-36-2.hmbc Dataset
50-36-2 -
4-Hydroxy-3-Iodo-biphenyl.hmbc Dataset
4-Hydroxy-3-Iodo-biphenyl -
50-36-2.cosy Dataset
50-36-2 -
VS-20220614-Diterpen6.c13 Dataset
This dataset contains NMR spectra obtained for the sample -VS-20220614-Diterpen6date: 2022-06-14T12:53:56.000ZisFt: falsename: VS-20220614-Diterpen6/10phc0: -27.83946phc1:... -
Glycyrrhetinic acid:Enoxolone 900_400MHz DMSOd6 NMR data.cosy Dataset
NMR data for glycyrrhetinic acid (Enoxolone) in DMSO-d6. The dataset contains the 1D 1H and 13C, as well as 2D COSY, HSQC, HMBC acquired at 900MHz (Bruker Avance spectrometer,...