
Catalysis Data and NMR Characterization of all Compounds for "Asymmetric Catalysis in Liquid Confinement: Probing the Performance of Novel Chiral Rhodium-Diene Complexes in Microemulsions and Conventional Solvents"

In this dataset HPLC (high performance liquid chromatography) chromatograms of the products of the rhodium-catalyzed 1,2-addition and NMR spectra of all prepared ligands, catalysts and catalysis products (NMR) are included. Furthermore, the NMR data of temperature dependent kinetics in dioxane and in the microemulsion (Kinetiken) are listed.

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Metadata Information

Field Value
License URL
Author Deimling, Max, Kirchhof, Manuel
Maintainer DaRUS
Language English
MetadataCreated 2023-05-08T19:12:37.390929
MetadataModified 2023-05-08T19:12:37.390935
Related Molecule
Field Value
No additional information available for this Dataset.
Data-Source Molecule ID Data-Source
The data in this table is sourced from UniChem at EBI.