
Data for "Cationic Tungsten Alkylidyne N‐Heterocyclic Carbene Complexes: Synthesis and Reactivity in Alkyne Metathesis"

All primary data files and processed data of the journal article from Buchmeiser group. Productivities in alkyne metathesis reactions (Paper, Table 1) was examined via gas-chromatography / mass spectrometry analysis and can be found in the GC-MS data folder. Novel complexes were examined via NMR spectroscopy and the spectra can be found in NMR data -> pure compounds. The NMR folder also contains NMR experiments mentioned in the paper and shown in the Supplementary Information. All crystal data mentioned in the paper can be found in the related datasets.

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Author Hauser, Philipp Manuel, van der Ende, Melita, Groos, Jonas, Frey, Wolfgang, Wang, Dongren, Buchmeiser, Michael
Maintainer DaRUS
MetadataCreated 2023-05-08T19:13:00.038274
MetadataModified 2023-05-08T19:13:00.038279
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