
Chromium(VI) Bisimido Dichloro, Bisimido Alkylidene, and Chromium(V) Bisimido Iodo N‐Heterocyclic Carbene Complexes

Reaction of CrCl2(N-tBu)2 with 1,3-dimethylimidazol-2-ylidene (IMe), 1,3-dimethyl-4,5-dichloroimidazol-2-ylidene (IMeCl2), 1,3-di(2-propyl)imidazol-2-ylidene (IPr), 1,3-dimesitylimidazol-2-ylidene (IMes) and 1,3-bis(2,6-(2-Pr)2C6H3)imidazol-2-ylidene (IDipp) yields the corresponding N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC) adducts CrCl2(IMe)(N-tBu)2 (1), CrCl2(IMeCl2)(N-tBu)2 (2), CrCl2(IPr)(N-tBu)2 (3), CrCl2(IMes)(N-tBu)2 (4) and CrCl2(IDipp)(N-tBu)2 (5). Likewise, reaction of CrCl2(N-2,6-(2-Pr)2C6H3)2 and CrCl2(N-adamantyl)2 with IMes yields CrCl2(N-2,6-(2-Pr)2C6H3)2(IMes) (6) and CrCl2(N-adamantyl)2(IMes) (7), respectively. Reaction of CrCl2(N-tBu)2 with the bidentate NHCs 1-R-3-(1-(2-LiO-C6H4))imidazol-2-ylidene yields the corresponding pentacoordinated Cr (VI) complexes CrCl2(1-R-3-(1-(2-O-C6H4))imidazol-2-ylidene)2C6H3)2(IMes) (R = 2,4,6-(CH3)3C6H2, 8), (R = tBu, 9), (R = 2-phenyl-C6H4, 10). Reaction of the chromium (VI) complex Cr(N-2,6-(2-Pr)2-C6H3)2(CH2C(CH3)3)2 with 1,3-dimethylimidazol-2-ylidene.AgI yields the bimetallic silver adduct of the chromium alkylidene complex (11) along with the tetrahedral chromium (V) complex CrI(N-2,6-(2-Pr)2-C6H3)2(1,3-dimethylimidazol-2-ylidene) (12). Compounds 1 – 4, 7, 9 – 12 were characterized by single crystal X-ray analysis. Finally, the chromium (VI) bisimido-amido complexes 13 – 14 bearing the N-6-(2-(diethylboryl)phenyl)pyridyl-2-yl-motif are reported. .All primary data files and processed data of the journal article from Buchmeiser group. Chromium(VI) Bisimido Dichloro, Bisimido Alkylidene, and Chromium(V) Bisimido Iodo N‐Heterocyclic Carbene Complexes

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Author Panyam, Pradeep, Stöhr, Laura, Wang, Dongren, Frey, Wolfgang, Buchmeiser, Michael
Maintainer DaRUS
MetadataCreated 2023-05-08T19:13:00.791366
MetadataModified 2023-05-08T19:13:00.791372
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The data in this table is sourced from UniChem at EBI.