
Replication data of C6 group for: "A thermalized electrokinetics model including stochastic reactions suitable for multiscale simulations of reaction-advection-diffusion systems"

All primary data files of measurements and processed data of the journal article mentioned under related publications from C6 group can be found here.

The data is structured according to figures and schemes in the research article and contains the following data types: text files, .ipynb (jupyter notebooks), .py (python files)

Chemical Info

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Metadata Information

Field Value
License URL
Author Tischler, Ingo, Holm, Christian, Weeber, Rudolf, Kuron, Michael, Weik, Florian, Kaufmann, Robert
Maintainer DaRUS
Language English
MetadataCreated 2023-05-08T19:13:40.124172
MetadataModified 2023-05-08T19:13:40.124176
Related Molecule
Field Value
No additional information available for this Dataset.
Data-Source Molecule ID Data-Source
The data in this table is sourced from UniChem at EBI.