
Propioin Synthesis using Benzoin Aldolase

Investigated was the ligation of two molecules propanal in organic conditions, catalysed by the benzoin aldolase, which was added in the form of lyophillised whole cells. The reaction was performed in triplicate, with 200 mM as the starting concentration of the propanal in all cases. Triethanolamine was chosen as buffer, together with Cyclopentyl methyl ether as the organic solvent, the experiment was performed at 30°C and at a pH of 9. The concentration of propioin was followed over the course of 2 hours.

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Author Spöring, Jan-Dirk
Maintainer DaRUS
MetadataCreated 2023-05-08T19:13:43.304478
MetadataModified 2023-05-08T19:13:43.304485
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The data in this table is sourced from UniChem at EBI.