Experimental Data to the publication "Open Loop Recycling – Guanidine Iron(II... Dataset
An iron guanide complex was evaluated for its depolymerisation activity of polylactide (alcoholysis and aminolysis). Catalyst recycling, scale-up experiments and solvent-free... -
Experimental Data to the publication "Reactive Mass Transfer around Isolated ... Dataset
DOSY NMR spectroscopic data and time-series of grey-level images at 100 Hz (exposure time 0.8-4ms) of a 16-bit sCMOS PCO Edge 2560×2160 px camera were deposited. -
DFT Optimised coordinates to the publication "Manipulating Electron Transfer ... Dataset
The manuscript deals with the influence of different substituents of guanidine quinoline ligands on the electron transfer properties of the corresponding Cu(I) and Cu(II)... -
Experimental Data to the publication "Understanding Structure-Activity Relati... Dataset
NMR spectroscopic data, GPC data, DSC data and Raman spectroscopic data for the ring-opening polymerisation of lactide and depolymerisation of polylactide of a series of non...